Wednesday, December 4, 2013

With Tired Eyes, Tired Minds, Tired Souls, We Slept

 For my last post I want to discuss one of my favorite episodes on One Tree Hill...

The episode is the explosion of the aftermath of the releasing of the time capsule. It was just a typical day a Tree High School until a hurting student brought a gun to school. Jimmy Edwards is an outsider who gets beat up and criticized each day in the hell he calls school. He walks in one day feeling helpless and unable to deal with the pain any longer and pulls out a gun in the middle of the hallway. Jimmy shoots the gun not wanting to hurt anyone but accidentally gets Peyton in her leg. She makes it to the library to hide. Everyone runs out and panics. Brooke runs outside looking for Peyton. Lucas and Nathan run back into the school to save Haley and Peyton. Haley and Skills are in the tutor center with a few others including Jimmy, whom no one knows is the shooter. Lucas finds Peyton and stays in the library with her while Nathan finds Mouth and tries to find Haley. Nathan makes it to the tutor center and finds Haley and the other students. They all decide to leave until they hear a warning of, “Don’t.” They turn around and find Jimmy holding the gun. As the students are asking him why he is doing this he simply asks Abby to say his full name, she could not answer. Haley then says his name and says he is a good person who freaks him out and he makes everyone be quiet. He sees Haley has a phone on her and was calling the emergency dispatcher. Jimmy takes the phone and tells that that if anyone comes in the school he will shoot students. He takes everyone’s phone but Nathan tricks him into thinking he does not have his.

Outside of the school Dan is working with the principle to figure out what to do. Jimmy yells at the students for constantly leaving him out even his old friends Lucas, Mouth, and Skills who found their new popularity and left him. In the gym a news reporter is watching the time capsule video and tries to get the story until Brooke says as the student council president that the reporter should be ashamed of herself. In the tutor center the students try to convince Jimmy that he will not get in trouble if he lets them go but a loudmouth Marcus says that he will not lie for Jimmy. Jimmy then admits that he did this not because he didn’t get into college, not because he isn’t popular, but because he felt invisible and is sick of it all. Jimmy then tells the students about a day no one noticed him and how it was the best day ever. He got very depressed and overdosed on pills that night. He missed school and when he got back no one even noticed. 

One of the girls Abby starts to look ill because of her diabetes so Jimmy lets her go and admits he is the only shooter. Nathan texts his father and lets him know what is going on. Jimmy then becomes scared and says anyone that goes in that hallway will die and then he hears a door slam. Jimmy finds Lucas carrying Peyton out. Lucas tells Jimmy she has been shot and needs medical attention as Jimmy says he didn’t mean to hurt anyone and Keith steps in letting Lucas run free to get Peyton help. Keith talks to Jimmy and tells him he has been in his position but it gets better and the pain goes away. As he cries about how he is hurting he falls to his knees and shoots himself. Keith screams and mourns over Jimmy’s body as Dan walks in. The episode then ends with Dan picking up the gun and pulling the trigger towards Keith, hilling him. He then gets away with this murder for a few episodes because everyone assumed Jimmy shot Keith before killing himself even though he did not want to hurt anyone.
This was such an amazing episode in my eyes because it was more than just a TV show. This was about a very important issue in a lot of children and teenagers lives. Bullying is no joke and can lead to scary situations. Jimmy felt he had no way to deal with his pain any longer so he took his own life. This episode was dramatic but compelling. I think that they should show this episode of One Tree Hill to every high school. People are hurting every day and we need to make a difference and reach out to those who feel are left behind. 

Out of all of the episodes in all nine seasons this may be my favorite because of how emotional it makes you while watching it. The episode was an important message and the acting was incredible in it. The message could have easily been not as compelling if the acting was sub par but these actors were so committed and believable that they did the writer proud. I could re watch this episode 1000 times and it also makes me just want to be a better person.  GO WATCH IT.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Karen's Cafe

“Somebody told me that this is the place where everything’s better and everything’s safe.”

Karen Roe and Deb Scott co owned Karen’s Café and the amount of memorable things in this place is unreal. First the café is where Lucas and Haley grew up. The middle aged single mother of Lucas owned this small business. Karen Roe lived quietly in Tree Hill once she was abandoned from her former boyfriend and Lucas’s father Dan Scott. Karen had a very close relationship to her son and his best friend Haley, who worked at the café. This café was the first place Haley performed. Singing in her comfort zone unleashed a start to a new career for her. The café was where Lucas, Karen, and Keith all sat and had their family dinner after Keith and Karen were an official couple. The café brought everyone together in a comforting atmosphere. When Karen left to go to a cooking school abroad Deb took over to help her out. When anything happened in this café it was caring and in good intentions. Besides Lucas, this café was Karen’s most prized possession and she cherished it. After Karen left Tree Hill with her new daughter Brooke moved back from New York City and turned the café into the Tree Hill branch of Clothes Over Bro’s. Then years later when the company was taken from Brooke Haley reopened the original Karen’s Café. Brooke and Haley co-owned the new and improved café.

            Karen gave Jake Jagielski a job at her café while they were in high school. He was raising his daughter and needed a job that understood his new responsibility to her. Karen would let his baby girl lay in the back while he would work. Karen gave everyone a chance to better his or her life and get bye because she understood how hard raising a child in high school was after giving birth to Lucas all alone right out of high school.

            Not only was the café important inside but also on the roof of it. Haley James and Lucas Scott spent a lot of their time on top of the roof. They would have water balloon fights and even a miniature golf course to hangout on during high school. They would get their frustration out up there. Also they would make a yearly prediction each year for what would happened and would check each other’s at the end of the year. They placed the predictions in a tin box and later on Haley showed the box to her son Jamie so he could make his very own prediction.
Lucas’ Predictions:
8th grade: Peyton Sawyer will become Peyton Scott.
Sophmore year: Make out with Peyton Sawyer. Or more.
Junior Year: This year, I’ll talk to Peyton Sawyer.
Senior year: Try again with Brooke Davis.

Haley’s Predictions:
I’ll find Bigfoot.
I will live in a big house with a beautiful son and daughter.
Nathan and I will be together again.

Jamie’s Prediction:
9 years old: I’m gonna break Dad’s scoring title.

Karen’s Café Hires Murderers!

Haley lost her chief one day that the café was crazy busy and was extremely overwhelmed. Dan Scott, although was hated, was staying in her house and noticed she needed help. He started cooking for them since he was a chief at his own little store in the middle of nowhere before it burned down. The food was great and everything was starting to move smoothly until a customer started freaking out that a murderer was cooking her food. She made a huge scene and close to everyone left. Haley stuck up for Dan and although he was the bad guy majority of the show, It was great to see her stand up to the rude customer. He did not deserve that harassment and Haley knew that. In Karen’s café everyone is welcome and everyone is treated respectfully.

            Karen’s café was where relationships formed and important things happened. We will never forget Deb’s break down when she was addicted to drugs and had a gun in her purse. She was leaving the café after Karen noticed she was on drugs and she dropped the bag, which made the gun go off shooting the window in the store. Many memorable things happened in this café more good then bad. This café was a home and a comfort zone to many people in Tree Hill and will never be forgotten.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Haley Bob James Scott

Haley was the heart of the cast. In high school Haley was best friends with Lucas Scott. The two were outcasts and liked it that way. Things changed drastically when Lucas started playing for the basketball team. At this same time Haley started tutoring Nathan Scott. Nathan and Lucas are brothers but that is a whole other story. The boys did not get along so Nathan asked Haley to tutor him to bother Lucas at first. Although he had the wrong intentions at first, Haley changed Nathan. They fell in love and Nathan went from being a cocky jerk to an amazing man. Their love was something everyone dreams of, including me!

Haley was a straight A student who became a rocks star! She just had talent in every way. She was a singer/songwriter who went on tour and made a name for herself. The amount of change that did for her was incredible. She went from a shy schoolgirl to a confident celebrity. 

Haley was known as the loyal friend. She put Lucas, Nathan, Peyton, and Brooke above herself at all times. Haley left the music behind for a little after giving birth to her adorable son Jamie Scott. She started as a schoolteacher back at her high school. After being fired for doing the right thing her music career picked up again. Not only did she raise her son she was there for her husband who made it as a professional basketball player. She cared for him when he had his accident and helped him get back to where he wanted to be. Haley is so strong. She made it through a scandal with her husband and her mother’s death. After Peyton took off, Haley helped run Red Bedroom Records, she worked at a crisis center, she became an ordained minister, and in the end became the co-owner of the new and improved Karen’s Café. Talk about a person who is multi-talented! 

No one is perfect. Haley did suffer with depression after her mother’s death. Haley was the one who took care of everyone and was the rock so this was a big change for the show. Nathan and Jamie were there for her as well as her friends. I didn’t like how nasty she became but then I would realize she could not help it. What really helped her get through this was the newest addition to the family, Lydia Scott. This new baby was named after her late mother to bring some peace and closer to what had happened. 


Haley had many siblings but the most well known were her two sisters. One sister was caring and sweet while the other not so much. Quinn Evans and Taylor James. Quinn came after her divorce and needed a change. Quinn was an amazing aunt and always there for Haley Bob. Taylor on the other hand, took Nathans virginity in high school and never stopped rubbing it in Haley’s face. Taylor started to date Quinn’s ex husband and we got to see Haley’s not so caring side! Lets just say Haley Bob James Scott can hold her own. 

All in all, Haley is an amazing person who I personally loved watching in this show. She always made the right decisions and was so great to everyone in her life. She was kind but not ever boring. Haley made herself an adorable little family that I hope to have one day. She had amazing friends and such talent her family. A singer, songwriter, professional sports player, and everyone has a good heart! I became envious of them! And Spoiler alert: a son who broke his fathers scoring record?!?!? Looks like the legacy will continue with her children as well!